ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standard
It is the international energy management system standard published by the International Standards Organization, named with ISO 50001 coding, published for the first time in 2011 and updated in 2018. It is the first global energy management standard published after regional and national standards such as EN 16001.
ISO 50001: 2018 Certificate / Energy Management System standard covers all types of energy.
The Energy Management System standard is to enable organizations to establish, implement and sustain processes and systems necessary to improve energy efficiency.
The Energy Management System standard can be installed, applied and documented for each business, namely the tax certificate holders. It has been created in a structure suitable for the implementation of organizations of all types and sizes, regardless of geographical, cultural or social conditions.
The Standard encourages all organizations to good energy management practices and ensures good energy management, costs reduction and environmental awareness certification.
The Energy Management System standard may vary depending on the activity, documentation structure, resources and needs of the organization.
The Energy Management System standardization can be applied in all activities with energetic use that are traceable and affected by the organization.
This management tool is an internationally recognized system that is used by everyone, the first-tier manufacturer, product manufacturers, service manufacturers, raw material or additives manufacturers, electronics and energy products manufacturers, manufacturers, warehouses and transporters, tradesmen, wholesalers, retailers and service providers. In addition, it provides a common framework that the entire industry can use throughout.
Since the standard has such a wide coverage regardless of size and complexity, it has a generic structure.
- Reduces energy consumption with the help of projects implemented.
- Keeps and reduces the costs caused by energy.
- Controls the use of existing devices and equipment.
- Provides information about performance by monitoring energy consumption.
- Provides efficiency and compliance with the law.
- Reduces the negative environmental impact caused by waste.
- Increases respectability in the society with regard to energy awareness.
- It contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
- It saves resources in integration with other management systems.