International Food Standard


This standard, which is referred to as the International Food Standard, emerged in 2000 as a result of improving food safety by the Chamber of Commerce CIES - The Global Food Business Forum. The difference ISO 9000: 2000 is that it contains HACCP. It was originally formed in Europe, North America and Australia with the participation of 40 commercial enterprises.


Today, within the framework of the globalizing economy, food and other consumer goods produced all over the world meet the consumers on chain market shelves. In today´s world, where diversity and production areas are expanding, who, how and in what way is it responsible for fulfilling and fulfilling the requirements of providing safe food, which is the natural right of the consumer. Within the framework of European food laws; due diligence; As a requirement, retail chains should ensure that the products they produce and sell on behalf of their own brands ensure food safety and bear their responsibility. Well, how can food safety requirements be guaranteed for products produced kilometers away where they are located? In order to monitor that conditions are really fulfilled and to ensure their sustainability, retail groups have created their own quality control and inspection services and have tried to monitor their suppliers´ quality and safety requirements at certain periods.

These inspections, which each retail group carries out within its own means, have created different approaches due to different perspectives, besides leaving the producers in a difficult situation, creating high costs, creating a common approach and standards.

In 2002, German retailers developed the IFS (International Food Standard) standard to set up and develop the HDE (Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandel) general food safety standard, in order to eliminate the confusion and create a transparent and harmonized approach.

The developed standard was also adopted by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative). In 2003, the French FCD (Federation des Entreprises du Commerce et de la Distribution) retailers group and wholesalers were also involved in the development of the 4th version of the IFS standard.

IFS is a uniform tool created to ensure food safety and to monitor quality levels of manufacturers producing private labels for retailers. It can be applied to all steps of food processing.

IFS classifies itself in 5 sections,

1. Requests to QMS
2. Management Responsibility
3. Resource Management
4. Production Processes
5. Measurement, analysis, improvement

The difference ISO 9001: 2000 is that it contains HACCP.


- Increased consumer confidence
- Entry into wide European markets
- Strong ties with retail distribution
- Increased transparency
- Increasing the productivity of production
- Minimizing important food risks
- Effective control of internal processes and minimizing the risk of mistakes
- To bring a proactive approach to food safety

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